Programas de intervalo fijo y programas de intervalo aleatorio en la inducción de conducta adjuntiva de fumar
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How to Cite

Errasti Pérez, J. M. (1993). Programas de intervalo fijo y programas de intervalo aleatorio en la inducción de conducta adjuntiva de fumar. Psicothema, 5(Número 1), 21–32. Retrieved from


Fixed-interval and random-interval schedules in the induction of adjuntive smoking behavior. One of the most polemical questions in the adjunctive behavior research is the different level of adjunctive behavior evoqued by fixed-time or Fixed-interval and random-time or random-interval schedules of reinforcement, depending on the presence or absence of a temporal stimuli associated with the absence of the next reinforcer. In this paper, a experimental work that proves that the random-interval schedules evoque less adjunctive smoking behavior in humans than the Fixed-interval ones do is presented. Also, the clinical implications that the adjunctive behavior experimental model has on the therapeutic procedures that have tried to solve the smoking behavior problem are suggested.
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