Estrategias de afrontamiento y apoyo social en personas con estres económico
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Riquelme, A., Buendia, J., & Rodríguez, M. (1993). Estrategias de afrontamiento y apoyo social en personas con estres económico. Psicothema, 5(Número 1), 83–89. Retrieved from


Coping and social support in persons under financial stress. The existing relationship between depression, coping strategies and social support with regard to those persons involved in serious financial difficulties is being analised. The assessment questionnaires applied to a sample of 82 persons (35 men and 47 women) include General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), ISEL scale and Folkman and Lazaru's scale. Results show an increased percentage of people whose score in GHQ scale aim to psychological disturbances. On the other side, data analysis suggests the existence of a positive relation between psychological wellbeing and three particular coping strategies: confronting, self-control and planning. Avoiding was the mainly used strategies by those persons whose score in GHQ scale indicates psychological distress. Finally, perceived social support appears positively related to health in two different ways: directly and through the coping strategies.
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