Variables físicas y psicológicas predictoras del rendimiento deportivo y del cambio terapéutico
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Gil Martínez, J., Capafons Bonet, A., & Labrador Encinas, F. (1993). Variables físicas y psicológicas predictoras del rendimiento deportivo y del cambio terapéutico. Psicothema, 5(Número 1), 97–110. Retrieved from


Physical and psychological variables predictors of sports output and therapeutical change. In this study we look for the physical and psychological variables which better predict the sports output in handball players, before and after a psychological training. The results indicate that the successes in the game are better predicted by the physical, technical and anthropometrics variables; but the failures are found better predicted by the variables of personality and behaviors. Predictors of therapeutical change have not been found.
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