Effects of ethanol and diazepan on ag-nor neuronal activity in the medial mammillary nucleus
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García-Moreno, L. M., Santín, L. J., Rubio, S., Pardo, H. G., & Arias, J. L. (1993). Effects of ethanol and diazepan on ag-nor neuronal activity in the medial mammillary nucleus. Psicothema, 5(Número 1), 125–134. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7150


It is intended here to study the disorders produced on mammillary bodies at both behavioural and morphological levels after diazepam and alcohol administration. For this purpose, 3 groups of rats were used, testing them in the water T-maze trial. One of the groups was treated with diazepam, another group alcoholized and the third was control group. The reaction time was recorded and also the errors commited in the last day. Histological analysis was made by evaluation of the number of Ag-NORS and the surface of these in each neuronal nucleus. The results show a statistically significant decrease in reaction time throughout the learning period, with almost no errors. There are not any differences in the estimated NOR surface of the experimental groups. However, differences were reported concerning the number of NOR quantified among the different treated groups in relation to control group.
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