Individuation and grupality: Two dimensions which define the structure and dynamic of a group. A reading was carried out on, group history from two o dimensions which define the structure and dynamic of social groups: the individuation dimension and the groupality dimension. The individuation dimension is the opposite of that of collectivism, which is understood as being the imposition on individuals of certain collective values which control their egoism, entailing their renunciations of criticizing interiorized values. The grupality dimension is defined in terms of opposition between interpersonal conflict. The accentuation of intergroupal conflict means the reduction of interpersonal conflict (intragroupal conflict) which in turn implies the submission of the group members to groupal norms. In both dimension, individuation and groupality, the question raised is the posssibility or impossibility of strengthening autonomy, creativity and freedom of individuals in the process of building valus, norma and the roles shared by the members of a group.