La aproximación psicosocial al estudio del conflicto y la negociación laboral en España: una revisión
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How to Cite

Munduate Jaca, L. (1993). La aproximación psicosocial al estudio del conflicto y la negociación laboral en España: una revisión. Psicothema, 5(Suplemento), 261–275. Retrieved from


A Psycosocial approach to the stuch of conflict and negotiation in Spain: A review. This paper makes a brief presentation of the studies being carried out, from a psychosocial perspective, into labour conflicts in Spain, and bargaining as a means of overcoming them. lt also covers other alternative styles for handling conflict which have recently emerged in Spain. The rise and development of these estudies has been contextualized within the peculiar Spanish sociopolitical framework of recent years.
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