Datos experimentales versus clínicos en la investigación sobre hipnosis
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How to Cite

González Ordi, H., & Miguel-Tobal, J. J. (1994). Datos experimentales versus clínicos en la investigación sobre hipnosis. Psicothema, 6(Número 1), 27–38. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7240


Experimental versus clinical data in hynosis research. In the scientific hypnosis literature there are controversies about the effectiveness and possible applications of such techniques to several settings, due to the results differences between laboratory research and clinical practice. These results differences could be generated by the following variables or conflict points: 1, the type of assessment made for the hypnotic behavior: physiological versus subjective measurements; 2, the use of volunteered healthy human subjects versus patients; 3, from a motivational perspective, the type of task required to the hypnotic subject or patient; 4, the context in where hypnosis is applied; 5, the objectives to reach by means of the applications of hypnosis; 6, procedure variables in the application of hypnosis: neutral hypnosis versus the use of goal directed suggestions in hypnosis. Therefore, differences between clinical and laboratory results regarding to the above mentioned variables in the fields of pain management and pain control, strategies of memory recall with hypnosis and forensic hypnosis are reviewed.
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