¿Un modelo dialéctico para la conducta de consumo?
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How to Cite

Caballero Muñoz, D. (1995). ¿Un modelo dialéctico para la conducta de consumo?. Psicothema, 7(Número 1), 147–158. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7260


A dialectic model for consumer behaviour ? lt's posible to know an increasing interest in the epistemologic theories underlying the marketics, publicities and consume events, also it's show in papers for immediated application. This research suggests a dialectic model to analyse it. The foundation of this framework is located in the concept of "contradiction" as construction of reality and mental imaginery of markets, also as self subjectivity of consumer. On other hand, the concept of self constructed subject for consume would reconsider other traditional approaches of General Psychology and Social Psychology.
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