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Quiroga Estévez, M. ángeles, & Sánchez López, M. P. (1997). ANÁLISIS DE LA INSATISFACCIÓN FAMILIAR. Psicothema, 9(Número 1), 69–82. Retrieved from


Family dissatisfaction analysis. This work centres on the analysis of self-perceived satisfaction, by a thorough study of the two large spheres in which human activity takes place, the world of the family and that of work, from the viewpoint of its mutual interrelationship. Firstly an analysis is made of the possible encroachment of one sphere on the other, on the basis of certain characteristics of the subjects. The findings indicate that a greater encroachment of the world of the family on that of work is to be seen than viceversa, and that men, moreover, are those who most observe this encroachment. Secondly, a study is made of the grouping of causes of dissatisfaction in homogeneous groups and once again they are related to specific characteristics of the subjects. The findings indicate the existence of clear differences in the importance given to these groups of causes according to the characteristics evaluated. Thirdly, an analysis is made of the variables enabling forecasting of each set of causes of dissatisfaction; the data obtained clearly show the outstanding importance of one of the variables studied: sex alone allows forecasting of 20% of individual differences in the assignation of causes of dissatisfaction linked to domestic activities, regardless of the woman's professional level. The findings obtained open us fresh viewpoints for research, in the sense that they enable us to make a more thorough analysis of self-perceived satisfaction. Once the influence of the modifying variables has been broken down, the way is clear for studying the influence of the personality variables.
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