The problem of tobacco addiction: meta-analysis of behavioural: interventions in Spain. In this work the results of a meta-analytic study about the effectiveness of multicomponent programs in the treatment of subjects with tobacco addiction are presented. An exhaustive literature search allowed identify 16 empirical papers carried out in Spain from 1980 to 1996, providing a total of 37 independent studies that picked up data from 1979 subjects. The effect size index was defined as the standardised mean difference between pretest and posttest means in one-group designs, whereas in two-group designs it was defined as the difference between pretest-posttest mean changes in treated and control groups. The results showed a clear global effectiveness of behavioural treatments (d+ = 1.450), although it was reduced to the half after 18 months of follow-up (d+ = 0.637). Self-control techniques were the most effectives (d+ = 1.810). The influence of other moderator variables is also analysed and a predictive model of effectiveness is proposed. Finally, the theoretical and clinical implications of the results are discussed.