Efectos secuenciales en una tarea de detección gustativa: comunalidad entre ambas psicofísicas
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Villarino, ángel, & Garriga-Trillo, A. (1999). Efectos secuenciales en una tarea de detección gustativa: comunalidad entre ambas psicofísicas. Psicothema, 11(Número 2), 421–430. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7530


Sequential effects in a gustatory detection task: communality between both psychophysics. Response bias has been studied differently depending on the nature of the technique employed: if it belongs to local or to global psychophysics. This work studies the possibility of finding one type of response bias, sequential effects, usually associated with techniques from global psychophysics, in techniques within local psychophysics as was first proposed in Villarino and Garriga-Trillo (1993). Hits and false alarms, considering two gustatory stimuli, are influenced by sequential variables. The existence of these effects is theoretically relevant. One would have to reject the local psychophysical assumption that subjects responses are stable over time. It will also favor the communality between the two psychophysics and will back up the idea of Luce (1990), GarrigaTrillo (1995) and Baird (1997) that some phenomena revealed within local and global psychophysics are the same.
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