Emotional disorder with hallucinations in adolescence. Depression and psychotic behavior was diagnosed in the public mental health system to a 15 years-old girl which could be conceptualized in a functional perspective as affective disorder due to lack of adjustments generated between the repertory of the young girl and the lost of reinforcers and new demands in the change of residence. Typical depressive behaviors increased as well as hallucinatory responses began which were socially negative and positive reinforced, however unconsciously. A functional-analytic treatment was implemented considering the iatrogenic effects produced by previous treatments. The goals were to reduce disadaptive behaviors and to increase those adaptive behaviors corresponding to appropriate personal and social circumstances. Therapeutic relationship involved low intrusivity and dependence as well as the management of verbal behavior and clinical behavior. Goals were obtained in less than four months and maintained in a two years followup. These data are discussed based on a radical perspective of problems in life and the research on verbal behavior.