El papel de los estudios de resultados de las terapias psicológicas
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How to Cite

Botella, J. (2000). El papel de los estudios de resultados de las terapias psicológicas. Psicothema, 12(Número 2), 176–179. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7574


The role of outcome research in psychological therapies. Outcome studies are the proper tool for assessing the power of therapeutic techniques and procedures to remove or alleviate the psychological and behavioral problems for which they have been designed. However, those studies have not had in clinic psychology the importance they should. Several external factors to the goal of the own studies are proposed to explain this fact, and especially its use for solving epistemological issues. It is highlighted the need of empowering this kind of studies and ways to understand them are proposed which are though to allow them reaching an increasing weight for the clinician.
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