Evaluación de la sintomatología depresiva del preescolar: correspondencia entre los informes de padres y de maestros
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Claustre Jané, M., Araneda, N., Valero, S., & DomèNech-Llaberia, E. (2000). Evaluación de la sintomatología depresiva del preescolar: correspondencia entre los informes de padres y de maestros. Psicothema, 12(Número 2), 212–215. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7580


Assessment of preschool symptomatology depression: correspondence between reports by parents and teachers. The use of multiple informants has been recommended for the assessment of childhood psy chopathology. Agreement parent-teachers report of preschool depressive symptomatology is analyzed here. 998 boys and girls, 3-6-years old, from the city of Sabadell (Vallès Occidental, Barcelona) were assessed. They were administered the "General Rating of Affective Symptoms for Preschoolers" (GRASP). Inter-informant a greement has been low for the overall diagnosis and for the four subscales. Teachers have reported more emotional symptoms than parents and parents have reported more behavioural symptoms than teachers. The agreement between parents' and teachers' reports of the absence of symptomatology has been high.
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