Influencia de la presión temporal en el trabajo en grupo en función del tipo de tarea y del canal de comunicación
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How to Cite

Gracia, F. J., Arcos, J. L., & Caballer, A. (2000). Influencia de la presión temporal en el trabajo en grupo en función del tipo de tarea y del canal de comunicación. Psicothema, 12(Número 2), 241–246. Retrieved from


Time pressure influence on g roup work by task type and communication channel. The aim of this paper is to study the modulator effects of task type (intellecti ve, creative and bargaining) and communication channel on the influence of time pressure on group performance quality. For this reason, it was carried out an experiment using a sample of 124 subjects, that were randomly assigned into the six different experimental conditions (3*2 -communication channel*time pressure) in four-person groups. The results showed the relevance of type of task and communication channel in understanding the relation between time pressure and group performance quality. It is suggested that future research will must take into account environmental or individual variables as modulators to reach a better understanding of the relation between time pressure and group performance quality, whose literature results Are often contradictory.
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