La hipnosis como adjunto en el tratamiento del hábito de fumar. Estudio de caso
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How to Cite

Mendoza Figueroa, M. E. (2000). La hipnosis como adjunto en el tratamiento del hábito de fumar. Estudio de caso. Psicothema, 12(Número 3), 330–338. Retrieved from


Hypnosis as an adjunt to treatment for smoking cessation. A case Study. This paper deals with a case study of a 33-year-old patient whose diagnosis was nicotine dependence. She had smoked for nine years an average of 35 cigarettes per day. The patient tried to quit smoking three years ago but although she stopped smoking during a six-month period, she failed to keep her abstinence due to anxiety problems. The treatment goal was that the patient became abstinent with minimal withdrawal symptoms. A multimodal program of six sessions, which were carried out in a period of one month, was applied. This treatment included self-recording, Capafons' rapid self-hypnosis method and other self-control techniques; cognitive restructuring, and relapse prevention. The patient quitted smoking at the date previously established, that is, twenty-two days after the beginning of the treatment, on the fifth session. The results were maintained throughout one year of the follow-up period and withdrawal symptoms and weight gain were minimized.
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