Autocontrol a través de reglas que alteran la función
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How to Cite

Gómez Becerra, I., & Luciano Soriano, M. C. (2000). Autocontrol a través de reglas que alteran la función. Psicothema, 12(Número 3), 418–425. Retrieved from


Self control through altering function rules. This study analyzes the function of describing contingencies without the mediation of any person and by the first time that descriptions are implemented as an experimental analogue of selfcontrol. Performance is defined in the context of two competing activities, one labeled monotonous because involves repetitive consequences with additional consequences (tokens). The other activity labeled competitive involving playing with active contrincants. Seven subjects, 9-13 years old, participated in a ABC design. Phase A was designed to select the subjects's behavior in one or another activity. All subjects showed a variable or stable performance but in all cases immediate results of the behavior were involved. In phase B, subjects changed to competitive performance when they contacted descriptions that specified changes in the contingencies of the monotonous activity. In phase C, the subject's performance changed in the opposite direction or became stabilized in S7 when descriptions on consequences were introduced. Behaving in these conditions is analyzed through the function of descriptions (the first time they were implemented), as augmental rules or stimuli that alters the function of previous conditions.
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