Métodica 3.0: base de datos, gráficos, estadísticos e investigación de operaciones en Visual Basic 6.0 para Windows
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How to Cite

Darias Morales, E. J. (2000). Métodica 3.0: base de datos, gráficos, estadísticos e investigación de operaciones en Visual Basic 6.0 para Windows. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 179–181. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7669


METODICA Program (version 3.0). METÓDICA 3.0 is an improved program version of the DOS program (Darias, 1995a, b; 1997a, b). This program is desgned to be used by researchers and behavioural scientists that need to use a data bases, statistics, graphics or operations research. The version presented here is a version by Visual Microsoft Basic 6.0, whose data base allows accomplishing operations such as creating, editing, modifying or adding data, visualizing files structure, modifying the existing logical part selecting records / fields and to list the data of the file. In addition, the program permits to reverse the data counterfoil, to transform them, to build contingency tables and data simulation. With regard to graphics, the program allows to draw lines, line diagrams, composed bars, ciclograms and graphic representative of factors. In relation with operational research, it provides linear programming, net analysis, critical way analysis, inventory construction, reversal assessment, tails and simulations.
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