Problemas metodológicos al analizar datos de producción de ejemplares y de atributos en un estudio sobre deterioro semántico en enfermos de Alzheimer
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How to Cite

Díaz Mardomingo, C., Peraita Adrados, H., & Garriga Trillo, A. J. (2000). Problemas metodológicos al analizar datos de producción de ejemplares y de atributos en un estudio sobre deterioro semántico en enfermos de Alzheimer. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 192–195. Retrieved from


Methodological problems when analyzing data from a research on semantic-conceptual memory in Alzheimer's patients. The objective of this work is to present, from a methodological standpoint, a series of problems that had to be solved when analyzing data from a research on semantic-conceptual memory in Alzheimer's patients or when dealing with adequate techniques or methods for specific stances. The problems have arised in two types of tests: in the verbal fluency one and in the definition of categories. The first one demanded from the subjects the production of semantic exemplars. One has analyzed not only the obvious frequency of the units/exemplars/unit of time but also the sequence or scheme generated by data. This new approach also analyzes and helps us to infer how the subject (healthy or ill) searches in his/her conceptual memory. Regarding the category definition test, for analyzing in a precise way the types of attributes that subjects generate and also their frequencies, a taxonomy and a specific analysis for attribute treatment is proposed.
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