¿Se puede investigar objetivamente la ("in")experiencia subjetiva? Innovaciones metodológicas en el estudio del inconsciente
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How to Cite

Froufe, M. (2000). ¿Se puede investigar objetivamente la ("in")experiencia subjetiva? Innovaciones metodológicas en el estudio del inconsciente. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 241–244. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7682


New methodological techniques for the exploration of the hidden mind. The subjects of consciousness and unconscious cognition are central to scientific psychology. Nevertheless, both have remained somewhat in the background due to the methodological difficulties involved in objective research into subjective aspects. The observation, through new applications of the dissociation paradigm, of qualitative differences in the processing of information depending on whether this information goes unnoticed or not, is allowing researchers not only to demonstrate the existence of unconscious forms of cognition, but also to establish some of its peculiarities and differences with regard to conscious cognition. New methodological techniques are giving rise to notable advances in the exploration of the hidden mind.
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