Evaluación de matrices multirrasgo-multiocasión a través de modelos factoriales aditivos y multiplicativos
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Hernández Baeza, A., & González Romá, V. (2000). Evaluación de matrices multirrasgo-multiocasión a través de modelos factoriales aditivos y multiplicativos. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 283–287. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7692


Analysis of multitrait-multiocassion data: additive and multiplicati ve models. The present study evaluates which kind of models, additive or multiplicative, can better conform to empirical multitrait-multioccasion data (MTMO, in which multiplicative method effects are expected, Three additive models (general CFA, CTUM and CTCU) and two versions of the multiplicative Direct Product model (HDP and CDP) are tested. Conclusions derived from the models that showed satisfactory solutions are also compared A set of 18 MTMO matrices are analyzed by means of LISREL 8 (Jöreskog and Sörbom, 1993).Results show that both kinds of models, specially the CTCU and the CDP models, can fit the same data. Conclusions that can be inferred from the different models that fit the data are similar, specially for the stability of the measures and the discriminant validity.
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