Consideraciones metodológicas en el estudio de la relación confianzaexactitud en el ámbito de la memoria de testigos
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How to Cite

Ibabe Erostarbe, I. (2000). Consideraciones metodológicas en el estudio de la relación confianzaexactitud en el ámbito de la memoria de testigos. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 301–304. Retrieved from


Eyewitness's confidence and the accuracy of their retrievals. For several years researchers have investigated the relationship between an eyewitness's confidence and the accuracy of their retrievals. This fact is due to interest that has in the applied research. Experts in eyewitness memory think that the confidence expressed by the witnesses in their testimony predict their accuracy. In spite of the face validity of the confidence, some meta-analysis about persons' identification show a low predictive validity. Also it has been proven that some situations favour confidence-accuracy relationship and other inhibit it. Research findings in the area of testimony are notoriously inconsistent, perhaps due to the methodological differences respect to question difficulty, type of information that contains or question type.
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