Fiabilidad entre observadores con datos categóricos mediante el Anova
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Losada, J. L., & Arnau, J. (2000). Fiabilidad entre observadores con datos categóricos mediante el Anova. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 335–339. Retrieved from


Reliability among observers when the data are categorical. The study of the human behavior requires, in most of the cases, instruments created for the situation study object (ad hoc). In the Observational Methodology, to study the observer's reliability it should be assumed that each measure is divided in two parts: a well-known or true part, and an unknown part or error. When the data are quantitative the tests on the biases between observers and the measures of agreements among them, are obtained starting from the pattern standard mixed ANOVA or through the aleatory models. In these cases the correlation intra is the used index of reliability. When the data are categorical, or when the answer variable is classified of a greement with a nominal scale or multinomial, an agreement measure among ob servers, similar to the correlation intra, it is the index Kappa of Cohen (1960). The present communication outlines the study of the reliability among observers by means of the index Kappa with the procedure of the ANOVA. If it is verified that bias, the application of an ANOVA unidimensional doesn't exist it is enough for the estimate of the coefficient. If, on the contrary, exists bias among the observers, they will be considered as alternative the two-dimensional ANOVA of aleatory effects, or the mixed pattern of two dimensions.
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