Suggestions for coping with multicollinearity in condensation logistic rules
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L. Melià, J. (2000). Suggestions for coping with multicollinearity in condensation logistic rules. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 382–385. Retrieved from


Whitely (1980) proposed the first conjunctive linka ge rule relating subtask probabilities to the total item response. De Boeck (1991) defines two main families of linking rules: (1) the compensatory rule, or weighted additive and (2) the conjunctive rule. The latter formally includes the (3) disjunctive rule that can also be formulated as a conjunctive rule of the errors. Afterwards, De Boeck (1993) suggested two mixed logistic linking rules: the partially conjunctive and the partially disjunctive rules. In this paper I present a combined logistic linking rule that summarizes the three classes of effects: conjunctive, disjunctive and compensatory. The analysis of multicollinearity among the three terms, in the two components case, allows the reduction of the partially conjunctive, the partially disjunctive and the conjunctive-disjunctive-compensatory rules into a more simple combined logistic rule.
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