Evaluación del sesgo en el análisis exploratorio de datos multivariados
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Morales Ortiz, M., Jurado Muriel, T., & López Domínguez, M. L. (2000). Evaluación del sesgo en el análisis exploratorio de datos multivariados. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 393–395. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7716


Multivariate exploratory data analysis: bias assessment. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate if the bias of the subjects varied during a stimulus classification task in relation to the presentation format (suns and stars) and to the way the variables were assigned (randomly, ordered according to their correlation in 360º or using a biplot: factorial suns or stars). It was found that there was a significant interaction between the presentation format and the method of assigning variables. In particular, it was found that the subjects made fewer mistakes classifying the factorial suns than the factorial stars. Likewise, they also classified better the ordered suns than the ordered stars. There were no significant differences between the suns and stars when no information regarding the correlation was included (random order) nor between the ordered suns and factorial suns. Lastly, it was also found that the subjects took longer to complete a task with random assignment than one with the factorial representation.
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