Un enfoque sistemático para realizar la tesis doctoral
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How to Cite

Rodenes Adam, M., Chismol, R., & Arango Serna, M. D. (2000). Un enfoque sistemático para realizar la tesis doctoral. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 474–478. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7733


A systematic approach to doctoral thesis. The essential difficulty of the thesis resides in that is a work of great span and little structured. For it, you can consider that the realization of a doctoral thesis is a process of progressive reduction of the uncertainty, in successive phases. The authors propose a model that leaves of the American and European investigation position, they analyze advantages and inconveniences and they establish some recommendations based on their educational and research experience. Some critical stages are: Selection of the general area of investigation, and of the topics to consider, exploration of the topic and thesis proposal, realization of a detailed index and bibliographical search of previous investigations, investigation and analysis, wriking and defense of the thesis.
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