Baremación de una batería de aptitudes para el aprendizaje escolar: zona metropolitana de la ciudad de México
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Romero Ramírez, M. A., Aragón Borja, L. E., & Silva Rodríguez, A. (2000). Baremación de una batería de aptitudes para el aprendizaje escolar: zona metropolitana de la ciudad de México. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 487–491. Retrieved from


Description of a test battery for assessing school learning in mexican children. In Mexico, repetition of the same grade and dropping school are some of the main scholar problems, both of them are consequence of low academic achievement and learning difficulties; hence, it is important try to contribute to the solution of these problems. Knowing the difficulties the children have when they enter to school, may help us to take preventive measures in order to impede school failure. Then it is necesary to assess the basic academic abilities the children posess in order to estimate if they are enough to afront scholar requests, that is, assess the children aptitudes. For evaluate children aptitudes, in the Unidad de Evaluación Psicológica Iztacala (UEPI), we have applied the Batería de Aptitudes para el Apren dizaje Escolar (De la Cruz, 1989), because it is a test that it is useful to give us information about the aptitudes the children in first grade of primary school and 6 or 7 years old have and it is of easy and quick application. However, the punctuations of this test are spanish and therefore they are not appropiate for mexican children, this is the reason for we decided to obtain punctuations of this test from a mexican sample. The sample of this study were1209 children of the first grade of primary school; they were taken of 45 diferent public schools and 11 diferent politic delegations of Mexico City, 643 boys against 566 girls. As the spanish sample, there were not significant diferences respect sex in the mexican children, neither in the numerical apptitude and verbal comprehension subtests between the spanish sample against the mexican sample; however, in the perceptual aptitude subtest and in the punctuation of the total test there were significant differences between spanish and mexican children.
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