Mejora de la memoria en un caso mediante aprendizaje de estrategias nemotécnicas
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How to Cite

Recio Saboya, P., Rodríguez Fernández, R., & García Jiménez, M. V. (2000). Mejora de la memoria en un caso mediante aprendizaje de estrategias nemotécnicas. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 496–499. Retrieved from


Memory improvement using learning strategies (N= 1). It is a fact that there is mnesic capacities deterioration in old age people. Our target is achieving an improvement of these capacities in relation to 71 year-old woman who doesn't -and has never- suffered from any psychological nor neurological injury. We are focusing on the hypothesis that if we teach her how to use mnemotecnic estrategies based on the remembering material representation and on its best organization, the subject will really improve her rememoration capacity. To carry this on we have used single temporal series designs A-B-A. After analysing the data, with both parametric and non-parametric analysis, and considering the two possible sort of design (intrasubject-intersubject), we can appreciate an improvement on the memory tasks realization.
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