Modelos estocásticos de aprendizaje en ensayos de respuesta dicotómica y un número finito de estados absorbentes
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How to Cite

Santisteban Requena, C. (2000). Modelos estocásticos de aprendizaje en ensayos de respuesta dicotómica y un número finito de estados absorbentes. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 519–521. Retrieved from


Stochostic learning models for dichotomous response trials and a finite number of absorbing states. A probabilistic model for a learning process has been built up in the context of the state models for the learning mathematical theor y. Two transitory states (for the acquisition and forgetting processes) and a finite number of absorbing states are considered. The transition probabilities are assumed to be controlled by the "response strength" of the Luce's β model, derived from his choice axiom.
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