Fiabilidad entre jueces de un sistema de categorías sobre las representaciones infantiles de las relaciones fraternas
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How to Cite

Yenes Conde, F., Olabarrieta, F., Arranz, E., & Artamendi, J. A. (2000). Fiabilidad entre jueces de un sistema de categorías sobre las representaciones infantiles de las relaciones fraternas. Psicothema, 12(Suplemento), 563–566. Retrieved from


Inter-rather reliability of a category system on children's representations of sibling relationships. This work tests the reliabilty of five category systems used to classify the schoolers responses to a five item questionnaire designed to explore children's representations of sibling relationships.Expert Judges classified children's responses using the category scales. Results show a stability in the classification across judges and the Kappa index Cohen (1960)reached values between moderate and good levels.
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