La evaluación de la eficiencia en la intervención familiar: generalizabilidad y optimización del Programa Experiencial para Padres
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How to Cite

Máiquez Chaves, M. L., Blanco-Villaseñor, A., Rodrigo López, M. J., & P. R. Vermaes, I. (2000). La evaluación de la eficiencia en la intervención familiar: generalizabilidad y optimización del Programa Experiencial para Padres. Psicothema, 12(Número 4), 533–542. Retrieved from


Efficiency estimation model based on the Experiential Program for Parents: A Generalizability Study. There is a growing concern on the estimation of both efficacy and efficiency of parenting intervention programs. The present study is aimed at showing the efficiency estimation model based on the Expe riential Program for Parents (Máiquez, Rodrigo, Capote y Vermaes, 2000). This Program was developed in three dif ferent community centers placed on Tenerife island, which were dedicated to primary and secondary prevention. The Program is made up of 4 Modules to be treated in 12 meetings. In all these meeting parents and the assistent-mediator were observed to have a follow-up of the process of knowledge building within the group. Generalizability theory allowed us to prove the reliability of the design structure used in order to generalize the results. We found that a improvement of the Program application is possible, on the one hand, by increasing moderately the number of categories and, on the other hand, by diminishing the number of observations and registers. In this sense, we reduce Program costs concerning assistant staff while keeping the information level about the progress observed.
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