El síndrome de Landau-Kleffner: descripción psicológica de un caso
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How to Cite

Lozano González, L., & Lozano Fernández, L. M. (2000). El síndrome de Landau-Kleffner: descripción psicológica de un caso. Psicothema, 12(Número 4), 543–547. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7758


The Landau-Kleffner syndrome: psychological description of a case. The Landau-Kleffner's syndrome, that was described in 1957, is characterized by an acquired children's aphasia associated to an abnormal electroencephalogram on the left temporal zone, that generally appears with epileptic fits and problems of behavior. This piece of work describes the general characteristics of the syndrome through the psychological analysis of a case that has been followed over six years. We state and analyze the results of a series of tests that show the serious lack that appears in the verbal area and in those other areas where the linguistic aspect plays an important role. We set out the treatments that have been most widely debated in the bibliography, supporting the educative and rehabilitating one and showing its academic achievements.
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