The role of the P300 component in a translation-recognition task
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How to Cite

Vigil-Colet, A., Pérez-Ollé, J., & García-Albea, J. E. (2000). The role of the P300 component in a translation-recognition task. Psicothema, 12(Número 4), 605–614. Retrieved from


This study focuses in language processing and memory representation in a sample of bilingual subjects using a translate-recognition task. The revised model of Kroll and Stewart (1994) and Chapman's model (1981) about the relationships of the component P300 and short term memory were used as theoretical framework. Results seems to show significant effects of word frequency and kind of task on reaction times and P300 amplitude as well as some interaction effects with subject's linguistic dominance. The main conclusions are that the results of Spanish dominant subjects seem to fit with the asymmetry proposed by Kroll & Stewart model. Moreover ERP data seems to show the relevance of the P300-P600 complex during the stimulus identification process in the short-term memory. F rom this viewpoint both components maybe viewed as measures of the stimulus relevance and the concordan ce between the stimulus and its r epresentation at the short-term memor y.
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