Algunos "mitos" de la Psicología: entre la ciencia y la ideología
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How to Cite

Colom Marañón, R. (2000). Algunos "mitos" de la Psicología: entre la ciencia y la ideología. Psicothema, 12(Número 1), 1–14. Retrieved from


Some "myths" in psychology: Science and ideology. Several "myths" are running inside and outside the scientific psycholo gy. These "myths" have influenced the teaching of psychology in the classrooms. They also have contributed to a practical exercise overloaded by several bias about what psychology as a science can (or must) do for the benefit of society. Thus, some have suggested that it is impossible to keep apart science and ideology if you are a psychologist. Contrary to what could be supossed, those "myths" are not only outside scientific psychology, but also deep inside. This paper is intended to revisit some of these "myths", debunking their biased backgrounds. The main goal is to send away what can be termed as "the ghost of the past". Doing so, perhaps scientific psychology shall work in a coordinated way from now on.
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