Parámetros de calidad de vida en pacientes oncológicos terminales en hospitalización domiciliaria
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González, A., Fernández, C., García, G., Soler, J., Arce, C., & Cueto, J. (2001). Parámetros de calidad de vida en pacientes oncológicos terminales en hospitalización domiciliaria. Psicothema, 13(Número 2), 310–317. Retrieved from


Quality of life parameters in terminal oncologycal patients within a home care unit In this study the quality of life of 42 terminal oncological patients within a home care unit evaluated using the questionnaire QLQ-C30 and self report measures. The patients were evaluated in two moments, when they entered in the Unit and at first, second, third or fourth week. Clinical and demographic variables were registered and analysed using the covariance analysis of repeated measures and the Student t test. Results revealed that only pain evaluated through QLQ-C30 changed significantly after to be admitted at the Unit (p<.45). On the other hand, the most of variables of clinical sintomatology, evaluated through the HCS, decreased significantly (vomiting, p<.003; pain, p<.000; constipation, p<.000; sleep, p<.000). Anxiety and depression that didn't reach clinical levels at the firsts assessment didn't change at the second evaluation as well as Karnofsky index. The quality of life concept in relation to terminal illness is discussed.
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