La Conducta de Enfermedad: análisis de su capacidad para caracterizar grupos de enfermos a nivel psicosocial
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How to Cite

Galán Rodríguez, A., Pérez San Gregorio, M. ángeles, & Blanco Picabia, A. (2001). La Conducta de Enfermedad: análisis de su capacidad para caracterizar grupos de enfermos a nivel psicosocial. Psicothema, 13(Número 1), 63–67. Retrieved from


Illness Beha vior: capacity to distin guish group s of patients psychosocially. Th e need of characterizing psychosocially differen t group s of patients h as lead to the use of several co ncep ts, among which Illness Beh av ior co uld be highligh ted. We have assessed the capacity of this con cept to differentiate among three groups of patien ts (stabilized COPD , acute COPD and surgical lung cancer). Illness Beh avior Qu estionnaire (IBQ) has been emp loy ed, and Discrimin ant A nalysis has b een ap plied. T he results in dicated that this co ncep t distingu ish es amon g patients with diverse pathologies, especially amon g those who suffer a chronic and acute disease.
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