El juicio contra la hipótesis nula: muchos testigos y una sentencia virtuosa
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How to Cite

Borges Del Rosal, A., San Luis Costas, C., Sánchez Bruno, J. A., & Cañadas Osinski, I. (2001). El juicio contra la hipótesis nula: muchos testigos y una sentencia virtuosa. Psicothema, 13(Número 1), 173–178. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7863


The judgment against null hypothesis. Many witnesses and a virtuous sentence. Null hypothesis significance testing has been a source of debate within the scientific community of behavioral researchers for years, since inadequate interpretations have resulted in incorrect use of this procedure. In this paper, we present a revision of the latest contributions of methodologists of different opinions, for and against, and we also set out the guidelines to research within behavioral science recently issued by the A.P.A. (American Psychological Association) Task Force in Statistical Inference (Wilkinson, 1999).
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