Alteraciones neuropsicológicas en el alcoholismo crónico. Un apoyo empírico a la hipótesis del continuo
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How to Cite

Iruarrizaga, I., Miguel-Tobal, J. J., & Cano, A. (2001). Alteraciones neuropsicológicas en el alcoholismo crónico. Un apoyo empírico a la hipótesis del continuo. Psicothema, 13(Número 4), 571–580. Retrieved from


Neuropsychological deficits in chronic alcoholism: an empirical support to continuum hypothesis. The present paper is focused on the identification of neuropsychological deficits onset as a consequence of the long- term alcohol intake. As well, another aim is to test the discriminant capacity of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (L.N.N.B.) between normals and chronic alcoholics. For this purpose, a sample of 85 chronic alcoholics and a sample of 77 control subjects matched in age, educational level and gender were used. Results show that chronic alcoholics present a generalized neuropsychological impairment, with marked deficits in motor, attentional, sensoperceptive, visospatial, and language functions, as well as in memory and abstraction abilities.
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