Control perception in fibromyalgia syndrome: related variables. AIM: To assess the effect of so cio-demographic and clinical variables on contro l beliefs, and the relation of the latter with health status in Fibromyalgia patients. METHOD: Subjects: 73 women with Fibromyalgia. Instruments: multidimension al, Pain Locus of Control Qu estionnaire (Pastor et al.,1990), Chronic Pain Self-efficacy Questionnaire (Matín -Aragón et al., 1999), Perceived Health Competence Scale (Pastor et al., 199 7), Sickness Impact Profile (Badía and Alonso., 1994), Hospital An xiety Depression Scale ( Terol et al.,1997). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: 1 ) Self-efficacy and perceived competence have a significant relation with age. 2)The higher educational level group shows high scores in internal locus of control. 3) Lack of significant relatio ns or differences in Con trol Perception with length of illness and number of services consulted. 4) The results suggest a differential role of control beliefs in the different health status dimensions.