Spanish adaptation of the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale: evidence of a exploratory analysis in patients with cancer. In the last 30 years, the contribution of "Type C" to cancer disease has been an important research topic. From 1974 through 1995 a search of the literature on Psychlit and Medline identified more than 300 journal articles and 68 books and book chapters (Fernández-Ballesteros y Ruiz, 1997). Although the principal variables of "Type C" has been identified (inhibition, repression or suppression of negative emotions -anti-emotionality- and need for harmony), there is not agreement about the nature of this variables. Thus, for some authors the variables mentioned are defensiveness mechanisms to anxiety (Temoshok y Dreher, 1992; Spielberger, 1988a). Other authors consider the variables said as a behavioural style of anti-emotionality or suppression emotional (Greer y Watson, 1985). On the other hand, between this authors that defend that "Type C" is a behavioural style neither there is agreement. So, while Watson y Greer (1983) emphasize specific "Type C" components related to the emotions (anger, anxiety, depressed mood -only control-), Bleiker, Van Der Ploeg, Hendriks, Leer y Kleijn (1993) emphasize specific "Type C" components related to the actions (expression, repression and emotional control). The results are consistent (only partially) with both proposal.