Non-conscious modulation of the cardiac defense response by phobic pictures. This study examined the effect of viewing a phobic versus a non phobic picture on the modulation of the cardiac defense response elicited by an intense auditory stimulus. 48 women with fear of spiders were examined using a factorial design with two independent groups (non-effective backward masking and effective backward masking) and two presentations of the auditory stimulus preceded by a visual imag e (one phobic and one non phobic). The dependent variable was second-by-second heart rate analyzed for 80 seconds after the auditory stimulus. 6 subjects of the effective masking group were ab le to identify one of the two visual stimuli and were excluded from the statistical analysis. The results of the analysis with the remaining subjects showed the expected emotional modulation: the phobic picture, as compared to the non phobic picture, potentiated the cardiac defense response. The same effects were observed in both the conscious and the non-conscious groups. The results are discussed in the context of Peter Lang's motivational priming and Arne Öhman's preattentional fear processing theories.