Anxiety in child ren of male alcoholics under treatment. Our investigation proposes to value the impo rtance that family stress and certain variables descriptive of th e parental disease play in th e child, onCe the alcoholic patient has been set in a treatment program. We selected a sample of 15 5 children between 9 and 1 8 years old. The procedures used included, in addition to a semistructured in terview, a batery of psycholo gical test: FES, STAI, STAIC, CMAS an d CAST. Once the results were analyzed, o ur conclusion was that the emo tio nal stability of the child of male alcoholics under treatment is characterized by low levels of anxiety in both parents, primarily in the father, and by a positive attitu de towards the father's disease. At the same time, such relationsh ips are, in on e way or another, tinged with family stability and adequate internal relationships among its memb ers. Finally, o ur results make us optimistic due to the fact that the treatmen t received by th ese alcoholic patients seems no t only to h av e positively influen ced th em, but also th e rest of their families and, especially, their children.