Application of cognitive-behavioural therapy to delusions and hallucinations in a patient with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. A case study is presented in which Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is applied to the modification of delusions beliefs and auditory hallucinations in a patient with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. The procedure used is similar to that described by Chadwick, Birchwood and Trower (1996), where the treatment of evidence of delusions beliefs, the verbal challenge of the internal coherence of the patient, and the formulation of a new conceptualization of the sumptoms are emphasized. With respect to auditory hallucinations, the treatment concerning basic beliefs about voices (identity and meaning, power, omniscience and beliefs regarding the consequences of submission to or resistance against the voices) are stressed. Results are evaluated according to degree of conviction in the delusions beliefs and with the PANSS. A moderate improvement in the patient is observed in which delusions ideas disappeared, and voices, although they did no completely disappear, a significant change is demonstrated in their conceptualization and topography, as is the predominance of neutral versus persecuting voices.