El FACES II en la evaluación de la cohesión y la adaptabilidad familiar:
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López Larrosa, S. (2002). El FACES II en la evaluación de la cohesión y la adaptabilidad familiar:. Psicothema, 14(Número 1), 159–166. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7952


The FACES II in the evaluation of family cohesion and ada ptab ility. Th is stu dy con trasts th e co hesion and adaptabilty of 3 1 Spanish, 20 An glo -Au stralian, and 30 Spanish inmigrant families. FACES II was u sed to measure the id eal an d perceived cohesion and adaptability of three family members (father, mother, and o ne child) in th e 81 family sample. Results sho w th at th e inmig rant families ad ap ted their ideas and practices selectively : like Span ish families, th ey maintained h igh er levels of ideal adaptability than the Anglo -Australian families, yet their ideal and perceived coh esion was similar to the Anglo-Australian families. Data showed that there are significant similarities across cultures in th e perception of actual family cohesion an d adaptability, while there are significant differen ces across cultures in ideal family co hesio n and adaptab ility. Th ese resu lts imply that cross-cultural psychology researchers should con sid er both similarities an d differences between cultures an d families, and that change in immigrant families id eals and practices occurs at vary ingrates.
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