Violencia grupal juvenil: una revisión crítica
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Scandroglio, B., Martínez, J. M., Martín, M. J., López, J. S., Martín, A., San José, M. D. C., & Martín, J. M. (2002). Violencia grupal juvenil: una revisión crítica. Psicothema, 14(Suplemento), 6–15. Retrieved from


Group violence in young people: A critical review. This article presents a critical review of existing knowledge about psycho-social factors related to group violence in young people. Considering empirical evidence on the extent and development of this phenomenon in Western society, results related to individual factors and to primary and secondary socialization sources are reviewed. Given that this type of violence is stimulated and maintained within the peer-group context, it is necessary to understand the predispositional role of individual factors in relation to the influence of primary socialization sources. In this regard, the capacity of the peer group to respond adaptively to developmental, circumstantial and structural challenges is of particular relevance. The article also discusses possible interpretations of some contradictory and controversial results, and offers suggestions for future lines of research.
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