Bullying and moral disengagement: A cross-national comparison. In contrast with theories of moral development, the construct of Moral Disengagement proposed by Bandura (1991) has given a considerable contribution to the lack of relation between moral reasoning and moral behavior. Adopting this concept, we want to deepen on bullying phenomenon, as one of the most important problems among peers, in almost all the countries. The aim of the present study is to know the use of moral disengagement mechanisms (or arguments) in children involved in bullying problems in two European cities, Seville (Spain) and Florence (Italy), and how this use can be mediated by an emotional dimension (moral emotions). The activation of moral disengagement could minimizes negative emotions, as guilt or shame, and emphasizes positive ones, as pride. Results show how bullies of both, Seville and Florence cities, use more arguments of moral disengagement and how this use increases with age. Although, cultural differences appear in the use of specific reasoning or arguments.