La delincuencia femenina
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Lorenzo Moledo, M. D. M. (2002). La delincuencia femenina. Psicothema, 14(Suplemento), 174–180. Retrieved from


Female delinquency. In this article we apprach the topic of female delinquent, and more concretely, that of women who are imprisonment. Female delinquency, who has deserved little attention from social and educative investigation, is a social problem who is adquiring more importance and that during the last years has experienced changes not only at an quantitative level but also at an qualitative level. All this together states the necessity of an educative intervention over this population according to determined parameters and taking into account the limits or conditonants for educative action. These can be derived from the nature of context and from the characteristics of the population. But the difficulties that educative task must avoid in this field, mustn't conform and justify the impossibility of and efficient intervention with this colective, the proof of this has been the successful implementation of the program of Psychosocial Competence in a female department of a Galician prison.
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