Relation between the decrease in cognitive distortions about random and the acquisition of therapeu tic success in patholog ical gamblers. The main goal of this research is to establish how a change on cognitive distortions about random is a decisive factor to get gambling abstinence. The sample was 88 slot machine pathological gamblers (DSM-IV) which ask for professional treatment. Subjects are appointed to the success or failure group of treatment according to the existence of abstinence at one year follow-up. The assessment of the cognitive distortions (per centage of different verbalizations, the rate of production of irrational statements and the relative amount of irrationality in the strategic statements) is Ladouceur's procedure of "Thinking aloud" throughout three laborator y gambling sessions. There is not significant differences on posttreatment verbalizations between the two groups. The possible theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.