Factor Structure and Properties of a Measure of Parenting Young Children (ECMP). This study analyzes the factor structure of a measure of parenting young children (ECMP); this instrument is a Spanish version of the Parent Behavior Checklist. A representative sample of children ag ed between one yr. and five yrs. 11 months was drawn from an urban area of Mexico. The ECMP was administered to mothers (n= 982) or fathers (n= 618) of the selected children. Factor analysis identified a version of the scale with a pool of 99 items, and three legitimate factors with eigenvalues greater than one (i.e., expectations, discipline and nurturing); the three factors accounted for 31.8 percent of the variance. The coefficient alpha value for the scale was: .95. The present results provide evidence of the adequate factor structure and internal consistency of the ECMP Further support for the adequacy of the ECMP is re. ported via comparisons between mothers' and fathers' scores, and between parents of different-aged children.