Identificación del rol directivo y su influencia en el rendimiento autopercibido
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How to Cite

Carrero Planes, V., Pinazo Calatayud, D., & Gimeno, M. ángel. (2002). Identificación del rol directivo y su influencia en el rendimiento autopercibido. Psicothema, 14(Número 2), 191–198. Retrieved from


Identifying the manager role and its influence on managers self-perceived performance. Managers' performance self-assessment is influenced by the way they perceive their work. The present work studies which activities are perceived as most relevant by managers. It also analyses the relationship between the identification of these activities with self-perceived performance. The sample consists of 102 managers, 51 men and 51 women. Managers have been differentiated in supervisors (N= 46) and top managers (N= 56). Results show that managers feel more efficient in activities related to managerial work at its most representative level. Performance assessment is biased by identification with the self-perceived role as manager.
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